Honorary Clubs | Competitive Shooting Programs

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NRA Honorary Clubs

NRA Honorary Clubs are the hall of fame for NRA competitors. Inducted competitors are renowned for performing at the highest level of the discipline. A competitor must equal or surpass predetermined scores in order to become a member of the elite honorary club of the same name. There is no restriction on the number of inductees each year. The NRA sets predetermined scores for each discipline.

Precision Pistol

Precision Pistol has three honorary clubs: 2600 Club, 2650 Club, and 2670 Club. The clubs are open to any individual who fires a score that equals or surpasses the score indicated in the club name. The Pistol Department of the Competitive Shooting Division manages these clubs. Match Directors are encouraged to report competitor achievements using the reporting form. Updates will occur quarterly.

Program Details


See the NRA Precision Pistol rulebook for details.

Forms & Documents for Match Directors


Anyone who competes in the 2700 pistol 3-gun aggregate in an NRA Registered or Approved Outdoor tournament is eligible. The National Match Course or the NRA Short Course may be used as a part of the 2700 aggregate course.


Individuals admitted to these Honorary Clubs receive:

  • A letter of recognition
  • A lapel pin
  • A medallion

Honorary Club Members

2600 Club Alphabetical List | List by Year
2650 Club Alphabetical List | List by Year
2670 Club Alphabetical List | List by Year


Want To Know More

For more information about the NRA Honorary Clubs, please email [email protected].

Competitive Shooting Programs

The Competitive Shooting Division of the NRA offers a wide range of activities in all types of shooting, sanctions over 11,000 shooting tournaments and sponsors over 50 national championships each year.


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