Directory & Contact Information | Competitive Shooting Programs

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Directory & Contact Information

Please note that the Competitive Shooting Division cannot respond to questions regarding membership or legislative affairs. Membership can be reached at [email protected] and the Institute for Legislative Affairs at [email protected].


Information relevant to the National Matches, State and Senior Games, International Shooting Competitions, and Advanced Marksmanship Training.

[email protected]

Director 703-267-1460

Deputy Director 703-267-1475

Collegiate and Schools Department

Manages Collegiate and Schools shooting programs to include NRA Intercollegiate Sectionals, NRA Intercollegiate Pistol Championships, NRA Intercollegiate Rifle Club Championships, NCAA Rifle Championships, ACUI Shotgun Championships, and Senior ROTC. Supports Collegiate and High School club competitive shooting programs.

[email protected]

National Manager 703-267-1473

Marketing & Corporate Sponsorships

Information relevant to marketing, corporate sponsorships, program advertising, and product or cash donations to competitive shooting events.

[email protected]

NRA Corporate Partnerships: 703-267-1469

Action Pistol & Precision Pistol

Manages all conventional (bullseye) pistol and International-style pistol competitive events. Also responsible for the NRA/USA Pistol Team program, and the Mayleigh Postal Team. Responsible for the National Action Pistol Championship, otherwise known as the NRA Bianchi Cup. Pistol Manager, or his designate, acts as the Match Director for the National Pistol Championships.

Pistol programs: [email protected]

Action pistol programs: [email protected]

Manager 703-267-1478

Program Assistant 703-267-1452 

Rifle Department: Smallbore and Air Rifle

Manages rifle programs associated with Smallbore (rim fire), Air Gun and BB Gun (International BB Gun Championships), NRA International Smallbore, Dewar Postal Team, Randle Postal Team, and the Pershing and Roberts Team. Rifle Manager acts as the Match Director for the National Smallbore Rifle Championships.

[email protected]

Smallbore Rifle Program Specialist 703-267-1456

High Power Rifle: Conventional and Action Rifle

Manages all centerfire rifle programs associated with conventional high power rifle to include Across the Course, Mid Range, Long Range, Palma, F-Class Open and F-T/R, Fullbore Prone and International Fullbore Prone. Also responsible for Action Rifle Match Competitions. Rifle Manager acts as the Match Director for the National High Power, Mid Range, Long Range and Fullbore National Championships.

[email protected]

Manager 703-267-1479

Silhouette and Black Powder Target Rifle Department

Responsible for all NRA competitive silhouette shooting activities and NRA's black powder target rifle programs. Manager acts as the Match Director for all NRA National Silhouette Championships.

[email protected]

Tournament Operations and Reporting

Provides policy guidance and assistance for ALL NRA sanctioned tournaments, including changes and cancellations: Registered, Approved, Special, League, Regional, Sectional, and State Championships; manages and assigns NRA Referees; manages "Coming Events" for Shooting Sports USA.

Receives and posts all scores from NRA sanctioned tournaments. Issues CLASSIFICATION cards (NOT QUALIFICATIONS) to competitive shooters. Tracks all Tournament Reports including appropriate fees. Issues State Champions Certificates.

[email protected]

Manager 703-267-1459

Assistant Manager 703-267-1457

Secretary 703-267-1464

Senior Data Entry Operator 703-267-1467

Postal/Sectional Coordinator 703-267-1482

Tournament Resources

Provides assistance to and implements policy for event personnel supporting competitive shooting. Recruits and staffs National Matches and provides logistic, procurement, and varied project support for all NRA Competitive Shooting events.

[email protected]

Manager 703-267-1485

Tournament Resources Coordinator 703-267-1466

Apply for a Competition Waiver

In accordance with Rule 13, competitors with physical disabilities, who are unable to achieve the required shooting positions or use special adaptive equipment, are required to apply for a medical waiver. Click here to see the NRA's Adaptive Shooting Positions.

The medical waiver application is fairly simple and consists of two forms. The first form is a Competitor Application that should be filled out by the shooter. The second form is a Medical Form that must be completed by the physician. Each applicant must submit the completed forms along with pictures and other relevant information.

Once received, the applications are reviewed by the NRA Protest Committee. After approving the application, the competitor will receive a card authorizing them to use the adapted position or equipment and must present that card to the Match Director prior to the start of the competition.

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For more information about the Competitions Division, call us at (877) 672-6282 or email [email protected].


Competitive Shooting Programs

The Competitive Shooting Division of the NRA offers a wide range of activities in all types of shooting, sanctions over 11,000 shooting tournaments and sponsors over 50 national championships each year.


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