The NRA reserves the right to, at any time, change the status of Regional, Sectional, and National Matches pursuant to federal, state, and local regulations due to the Covid-19 global pandemic.
National Metric Smallbore Prone Championships March 14-16 Phoenix, Arizona: Desert Sharp Shooters
NRA Americas Rifle Challenge (ARC) Match April 19 Camp Atterbury, Indiana: Click here to register!
National Muzzle Loading Championship June 14-22 Friendship,
National High Power XTC Championship June 1-7 Lodi, Wisconsin: Winnequah Gun Club
National High Power Mid-Range Championship June 4-8 Arcadia, Oklahoma: Oklahoma City Gun Club
National Lever Action Silhouette Championship Registration: Aug 4-5 Lever Action: Aug 6-7 Pistol Cartridge: Aug 8 Smallbore: Aug 9 Ridway, Pennsylvania: Ridgway Rifle Club
The Competitive Shooting Division of the NRA offers a wide range of activities in all types of shooting, sanctions over 11,000 shooting tournaments and sponsors over 50 national championships each year.